Hattori Kazutomo.
Fujii Itsuki.
- -Here.
- -Here.
Same name?
It's incredible.
Muraoka Shinobu.
"My junior high school period"
"had such a bad start."
"Because of him, I had to
endure 3 depressive years"
"filled with unfair prejudice."
"When I was on day duty ..."
Fuji, who's on
day duty tomorrow?
Muraoka and Funabashi.
What did we do in Math today?
Which equations?
Fujii Itsuki.
You love birds having fun?
Sorry for the intrusion.
Love is wonderful, isn't it?
Simultaneous equations.
"I thought all this hassle
was only for a year."
"But we ended up
in the same class for 3 years."
"It may sound fun
for an outsider"
"But not
when you're a part of it."
"We somehow avoided each other"
"and didn't talk much, either."
What's new since then?
The letter.
Well, on and off.
What do you mean on and off ?
"Dear Fujii Itsuki"
"How did he take it?"
"Having the same name"