"I think it was during
our 2nd -year term exams."
"Getting my answer sheet"
"I got the biggest shock
of my life."
"27 points."
"Those figures haunt me
even to this day."
"I looked carefully."
"The answer sheet wasn't mine."
"The one he was
doodling on in the back"
"was, in fact, my paper."
"That was the beginning
of a long day."
"Give me back my answer sheet. "
"Because I couldn't say that"
"the misery was
extended to after school."
Kazumi wants to...
Kazumi wants to go out with you.
We can start out as friends.
You good -for-nothing jock.
Forget about that jerk.
"The bicycle park those days was"
"the meeting spot for lovers."
That's Fujii.
Gee whiz.
What a surprise.
"It was Oikawa Sanae
from the next class."