The neighbors are near enough,
but my relatives are scattered
so it's a real chore
When we do get together
it's such a sprawling clan...
That's no fun, either
A real backwater, huh?
The sea's so powerful
Too powerful
It quiets down after
the morning market
My new wife
I knew that
I'm Yumiko
It's very nice to meet you
At her age, Tomeno san still
takes her own boat out
Why didn't you come
introduce her to me first?
I did, I did, but you were out
Remember that filthy shack
painted an awful color?
Some excuse, you came too late
You missed me
We found you here
Pure chance
We stopped in at work, first
He's so damned proud
of that new wife,
he's dragged her
all the way out here
I came all this way
so you could see her...
Show off!
Gimme a light
No use falling for me now
I'm married with children
You're so full of it