I was told it would be
my greatest challenge.
It was sure to be
a living hell.
The Glee Club...
- will be meeting at 3:30.
Will the teachers
please report to the quad...
for the science fair judging.
Tiger ? Tiger, come back here.
- I'm not gonna chase you.
What you runnin' from, boy ?
She's tryin' to give me
a shot !
You don't like needles ?
You want me to show you a little trick
take your mind off that pain ?
Here, gimme your hand.
Now, you may
feel a little bit of pressure.
Hi, I'm Emily Walburn,
the school counselor.
You must be Major Payne.
That's a mighty fine handshake
you got there.
- You wanna wrestle ?
Uh, no thanks.
I wrestle with these kids all day.
This one's usually my big helper.