or even dig in your butts
without my say-so !
Know this: Killin'
is my business, ladies,
and business is good !
- Yoo-hoo !
- What ?
I have to go
to the bathroom.
- You hold it, turd.
- I can't !
I said hold it, or
I'll break that off...
and kick it around
on the ground.
Now, be advised, ladies,
- we are going to win
the Virginia Military Games !
- I said win: Whiskey, Indian, November.
Get used to the sound
of that word !
- Major Payne !
- What, boy ? What, what, what ?
I did somethin' bad.
- You nasty little worm !
Go change your Huggies, boy,
and be back here pronto !
Stop that cryin' !
You'll get no pity from me !
You think your tears'll stop Charlie
from takin' his bayonet...
- and stickin' it in
your little tiny heart ?
- What the hell was that, you
little freckle-faced cartoon ?
Did I give you
permission to sneeze, Opie ?
- No, sir.
- Then you hold it in,
you big-eared turd,
- otherwise I'll kick your ass
back to Mayberry !