Major Payne

You will walk like me,
talk like me,

and until you win those games,
you will be bald like me !
Way to go this time, Alex.
Dotson, take these men
for two hours of P.T. !

Yes, sir ! First
exercise will be the side straddle hop !

- Side straddle hop.
- Squad. Ready.

One, two, three.
Come on, bacon-boy !
Come on !

- Ready, squad !
- Dotson, sit down and shut up.

I'm writin' you up, buddy !
That's it. No more of this !

I'm writin' you up, buddy !
That's it. No more of this !

You're scaring me !
Hello, Miss Walburn.
Major Payne, could you please
help me to understand...

why you shaved
the children bald ?

Oh, that's my little
incentive program.

These boys have to
earn their due.

Their hairdo, that is.

Do they have to earn
their bathroom privileges too ?

What do you want,
Mister Pee-body ?

Oh, he's upset about this morning.
Apparently he had a little accident.

Apparently he pissed all over
the front of his pants.

Well, maybe that's
because he's six.

'Cause he's six ? Woman, when I was
six years old I had a full-time job.
