Excuse me. You go over on the other side.
You put the podium over the bad spot in
the carpet. The hole, please. Go now, go.
You made her dump me and you're gonna
auction her off to further your own career?
Hey, not that it's any of your concern,
but Brandi agreed to be on Truth or Date.
After last night,
I think she's looking forward to it.
It'll give her a chance to find herself
a decent guy. Somebody with a brain.
So you admit it.
You are behind our break-up.
Admit it? I'm as proud of it
as I am this game show here.
TS... Iisten to me.
It's over between you two.
The sooner you get that,
the better off we're all gonna be.
Understand me? You don't.
Guard, come here. Get this guy off my set.
If he gives you any shit,
you have my permission to castrate him.
- (TS) You can't do this!
- I just did.
- Get me LaFours.
- Right away, sir.
Well, go on!
- How about these?
- Very sexy.
- That sounded convincing.
- I'm preoccupied.
TS, she told you, she's doing it
as a favour to her father.
She won't fuck the guy on public-access.
- She might as well.
- You're overreacting again.
That's why your relationships fail.
It's certainly why ours did.
You got bent out of shape the same way
over that costume party in high school.
You fucked Rick Derris on a pool table,
with everyone watching!
It was a costume party, TS.
No one could tell it was me.
Besides, who else but you
remembers shit like that?
- I woulda been a sexy chick!
- Do you remember that costume party?
The one where you banged
Rick Derris on the pool table?
- Nobody remembers shit like that(!)
- How is it you recall trivial events?
I'll never forget it. How often do you
get to see Smokey fuck the Bandit?
Didn't I look just like Burt Reynolds?
(both) Except for the moustache.
They have a whole room to do that in.
Some pervert wanted
to see me naked today,...