Aren't you worried about him getting away?
I'm more worried
about him having a heart attack.
You want me to call an ambulance for you?
Look, man, I don't even know
why I'm running in the first place.
I'm on God's side now.
Give us the phone, Percy.
Man, why are you all treating me
like I'm some little punk kid?
Besides, the Lord says:
"He who is without sin
cast the first stone. "
- What the hell is wrong with you?
- It slipped.
Where's the damn phone at?
Holy cow!
It's a musical cow.
Look at it. It's a miracle.
Like the parting of the Red Sea.
Or the time I saw Mike Tyson's face
in a taco.
What is he doing?
No. I know he's not about to do that.
Come on, man.
He gonna really put his hand up that cow?
You can't do that.
It's against the cow's rights, man.
What's up with the...
All the way... In the hand...
It's for you.