Morgan, don't run.
Eddie Zane, FBI.
How the hell did that fire start?
I don't know. We heard some shots.
- Who's in there?
- Sharp and Swanson.
You know what's in those barrels, right?
One wrong shot and we could all go.
Look, Ball, you have three choices:
You could stay in this hellhole
and burn to death.
You can come with us
and testify against John Cortland.
A and B suck.
What about C?
C is my personal favourite.
Take it easy.
I'm sure there's a way
we can work out this whole thing.
Seems like it's pretty
well worked out to me.
I got money. Lots of money.
If you get me out of here,
I'll make you both rich.
Look, see this key? It's yours.
Thank you. I'll put that in evidence.
Look, I can't testify. Cortland
will kill me. It's a death sentence.
Let's go outside and talk it over.
You gotta be kidding me.
Nice job, Sharp.
What's that they say?
"Texas Rangers always get their man"?