- Look, I've got to...
- Go. I get it.
I'm fine.
- Looks like you've been busy.
- Yes, sir.
- Hell, ain't it?
- Yes, sir.
They said you had some witnesses.
Yeah, they came waltzing in here
about a half hour ago.
Said they saw the whole thing.
- Anybody else know about this?
- No.
Can we keep it that way?
I'm tired of being shot at.
You bet.
Who are your witnesses?
You know, I think we could be on the news.
I'm not talking local.
I'm thinking maybe Katie Couric or Oprah.
We shouldn't have come here.
I need to get to the library.
Now I'll never get my psych paper done.
I'll just keep seeing his head explode.
Evie, remember what we said?
You got to breathe.
Let air in, and now let that air out, okay?
I totally have a double chin.
I don't trust cops.
We shouldn't say anything
till our lawyers get here.
We don't need lawyers.
We didn't do anything.
Relax, everybody.
We just came here to tell them what we saw.
- Do we have to?
- Yes.
As cheerleaders,
we're role models to the community at large.
If we don't do the right thing,
how can we expect others to?
Now I'm gonna throw up.
I'm not gonna be staying
here all night long.
Why don't we just tell these people
that we need to reschedule for tomorrow?
Well, I can't do morning.
I'm having my legs waxed.
I have a biochem lab at noon.
I'm good between 2:30 and 4:00.
Would that work for everybody?
Don't work for me.
And who are you?
Roland Sharp, Texas Ranger.
Oh, my God. Do you know Derek Jeter?
No, he means the other Texas Rangers.
You know, like the Lone Ranger.
He had that cool Indian friend.
What was his name?
He was hot.
Why don't guys wear loincloths anymore?
A Texas Ranger was shot this evening
in connection to the murder you witnessed.