these areas here...
and this area right here.
But what about these other problem areas?
and here.
You're killing me.
Come here.
All right. We'll cave on the first two.
But we absolutely must maintain
navel visibility.
We want to be realistic, not Amish.
- One inch on either side.
- Three.
- Two.
- Done.
These girls are a different kettle of worms.
Something just came up.
I'll get back to you.
I need to speak to your witnesses.
Eddie, how's the arm?
Let's not change the subject.
There are no witnesses.
Even if there was, I couldn't let you
talk to them. You know that.
Come on, Captain,
we're on the same team here.
I think I can help.
At least let me talk to Sharp.
That was him on the phone, right?
Sharp's in the field right now.
Your Ranger screwed up my whole case.
He blew up that lab
and all the evidence in it.
Ball is dead and I got shot in
the arm, for Christ's sake.
I need to speak to those witnesses.
So I'm asking you again. Where are they?
This "One Riot, One Ranger" shit won't fly
when I slap a subpoena on your desk.
My desk's already a mess.
One more piece of paper
won't make me no never mind.
Circle the wagons if you want.
This is a federal case.