Is that the North Star?
No. I think that's an airplane.
You see the way it's moving?
That's the North Star.
So that's where they've been keeping it.
Someday I want to do more
than look at the stars.
I'm fixing to soar with them.
What, you mean,
like an astronaut or something?
No, not exactly. Not a living one, at least.
They got this company out of Beaumont...
and they will launch your remains
right out into outer space.
Really? I love shit like that.
- But how?
- What they do is they park you...
Holt, what the hell are you doing?
Contemplating the vastness
of the universe, sir.
It's supposed to be red.
Does this look like red to you?
Just shoot her, Sharp.
You'd be doing her a favour.
- Where are Teresa and Anne?
- I don't know.
You're lying.
- How do you know?
- You broke eye contact.
It's a sign of stress
and possible deception.
So is picking at your clothes.
Stop picking at your clothes.
Look me in the eye
and tell me where they're at.
Teresa and Antonio had a really big fight.
She had to blow off some steam,
so they went to the Buffalo Billiards.
You stay here.
Don't be contemplating the universe
with anybody.
Look, a native approaches.
Avoid eye contact.
You guys are the cheerleaders, right?
The ones with the calendar?
Could have sworn you were June.
June kicks ass.
Sorry, wrong girl.
Well, me and my buddies over there,
we go to every game.