My son, my son
did slay unwittingly...
my noble husband...
and did, without realizing,
hasten with me,
his loving mother,
to lustful bed.
And a whole profession
was born...
charging sometimes
200 an hour,
and a 50-minute hour
at that.
And why a child now, out of left field?
One hopes it's not to fill
some growing void in their marriage.
Leave her be.
A woman's urge to motherhood
is old as the earth.
Children grow up;
they move out.
Sometimes to ridiculous places
like Cincinnati...
or Boise, Idaho.
Then you never see them again.
You'd think once in a while
they'd pick up a phone.
But is there a growing void
in the Weinrib's marriage?
We didn't say there was.
We're all just speculating
on possible motives.
Children are serious stuff.
Look, here's a man
who killed his father...
and slept with his mother.
I hate to tell you what they
call my son in Harlem.
- There's a baby we can adopt.
- Are you serious?
I spoke to Carolyn Hester
and she's found an infant for us.
- But we have to act quickly.
- I don't want a kid.
Well, Lenny, you know
how hard it is.
And look, the baby's
one day old, totally healthy.
Unwed mother, no diseases.
And it's a boy.
You wanted a boy.
Amanda, I can't get
into this with you now.
This is not the place
to have this discussion.
I told Carolyn to be on the lookout.
She's experienced with adoptions.
She knows what she's doing.
It's a boy, healthy, born this morning.
No strings,
if we act quickly.
Le-- Look, I-- I gotta
put my foot down.
I-I-- If you want to
discuss this another time, we can.
But if you gotta have a fast answer,
it's definitely "no."
- Hi! Hi.
- You got his head?
- He's adorable.
- Yes. Oh, God.
This is great. This kid is never
going to be a fighter, you know.
I gotta run out and get some weights
because he's really light as a feather.