What are you doing, Weinrib?
Don't confuse me!
She's coming back in a minute.
- You are breaking the law.
- Breaking the law?
There's a higher law.
I can find out
who my son's mother is.
The judge won't see it
that way.
Keep a lookout for me,
will you, for Christ's sake?
- Me? I'm the leader of the Chorus.
- So what? Look out.
Get your friend Bud
to help you.
Bud can't help me. You know,
Ellie and Amanda are friendly.
- Bud can't keep a secret.
- Why is it a secret?
Why can't Amanda know?
What kind of argument am I
getting into with you? Amanda--
'Cause she wouldn't understand.
Oh, you're guilty because you
already have exaggerated notions...
about your son's mother.
It's understandable because things
are not going smoothly with Amanda.
That's why you will always
be a chorus member.
Because you don't do anything.
I act.
I take action.
I make things happen.
Well, hurry the hell up.
I hear footsteps.
I-I forgot my-- I dropped
my manila envelope. I didn't realize it.
- Oh.
- It has an important interview in it.
With-- With Roberto Duran.