I'm not such a Cassandra.
I am Cassandra.
- That's who I am.
- I gotta check this thing out.
You'll be sorry.
I'm telling you, quit now.
Oh, and don't let Amanda talk you
into buying the house next door.
- This place?
- Yes! I see big problems
with beach erosion...
and a heavy mortgage.
Well, I love that property.
- Mm-hmm.
- We're right near everybody.
Doesn't mean we have to see them
all the time, but we have the option.
You-- You're not afraid
of beach erosion, right?
Beach erosion? Oh, come on, now.
You're such a Cassandra.
You gonna take a shower?
Yeah. Yeah, can you, uh,
fix something for dinner?
Yeah, I'll make dinner.
I'll make the spaghetti, okay?
There's some sauce
in the fridge.
Hello, is this Linda?
Linda, um, this is Lenny.
Uh, I-- I got your number
from Charlie Biggs.
And I wonder if, uh,
it would be possible...
that you would have some time
tomorrow afternoon.
- You shouldn't do this.
- Would you please stop it?
- You're gonna cheat on Amanda?
- I'm not cheating.
-I just want to see what she looks like.
-You can get a disease.
- Aren't you scared of AIDS?
- I'm not gonna sleep with the girl.
I just want to see
what she looks like.
I want to get to know her
or something. It's just--
Uh, is it possible that we
could meet at a hotel?
You're gonna rent a hotel room
with a hooker and not sleep with her?
Leave me alone.
I want to talk to her.
How about the Plaza
on 59th Street? Is that--
What are you doing?
At least pick an out-of-the-way spot.