...while their less fortunate cohorts
are destined for the morgue.
The body of Doc Barker,
son of the infamous Ma Barker...
...lies bullet-riddled,
cooling on a steel gurney...
...attended by a triumphant guard.
The jubilant correctional officers
who foiled the escape...
...congratulate each other
and reluctantly show their battle scars.
A proud Warden Humson,
supervisor of three penitentiaries...
...Folsom, San Quentin and Alcatraz,
and confidant of J. Edgar Hoover...
...congratulates his troops.
Humson returns to his duties...
...as the inmates are sent
through metal detectors...
...cells are searched,
extra guards are called up...
...and Alcatraz goes on full alert
to forestall any additional trouble.
As public interest reached a frenzy...
...Warden Humson
and Associate Warden Glenn...
...left the island in the bay
for a press conference...
...headed for the San Francisco City Hall...
...which was inundated with a plethora
of reporters from around the globe...
...all gathered to hear the official reaction.
Associate Warden Milton Glenn...
...introduces Warden John Humson.
Warden Humson will now make
a brief statement and...
...if you please, no questions at the end.
Thank you.
l just want to reassure
the American people that...
...Alcatraz is an escape-proof prison.
They have nothing to fear.
The inmates, McCain and Young...
...will be brought up on escape charges.
There will be time in solitary confinement.
Privileges will be taken away from them.
And the whole rehabilitation process
will begin.