The United States of America
vs. Henri Young.
Charged with murder in the first degree.
Approach the bench.
Charged with murder in the first degree.
''Henri Young, Rufus McCain...
and there, striking and wounding...
''...sharp steel instrument...
to wit, a spoon.''
No, this can't be right.
lt's right.
lf you say so.
''To wit, a spoon
about four inches in length...
''...which, striking and wounding,
described as foresaid...
''...caused the said Rufus McCain
thereafter, to wit...
''...on June 1 1, 1941 to die.''
Trial set one week from Thursday, June 22.
This court stands adjourned.
l know you can do it!
Come on, boy!
You can do it! You've got four furlongs!
Don't be cursing this street!
Pick them up and lay them down!
Let those legs pump like pistons!
Yes! Come on! The spirit is willing!
l can see it in your eyes.
Come on!
Pump it! Go!
Remember Jesse Owens
at the '36 Olympics?
Maybe tomorrow, sonny boy!