-lt's a nice day.
-Yeah, great.
Where are you going?
To the cell, talk to my client.
What, are you nuts?
l want to speak to him face to face.
You've already signed the release.
lt's your life.
So, then, Mr. Young, is it?
You're Mr. Young, is that correct?
Mr. Young, that is your name, isn't it?
Henri Young?
l'll just assume that's your name
until you tell me differently.
Mr. Young, l will be acting
as your defense attorney.
l'm James Stamphill
and anything you tell me...
...will be protected under the rules
of confidentiality...
...of the attorney-client relationship.
So feel completely free...
...to answer my questions
in an honest and forthright fashion.
Just for the record,
your name is Henri Young, right?
This isn't an admission of guilt.
lt's just your name.
You speak English?
Yeah, you do speak English.
lt says so right here in the file.
Mr. Young...
...l am your attorney but l can't provide you
with much of a defense if one of us is...