You want to write something? Write here.
Something. Just....
Look, you want to give it a try?
You want to write?
Mr. Young, you're looking at me.
You hear me, don't you?
lf you won't answer my questions,
maybe we can start with something else.
What do you want?
There has to be something.
Can't be to sit there, because if you do,
they'll just stick you in the gas chamber.
Do you understand that?
...Mr. Young, l've read your file.
l am trying to help you.
That's all l'm trying to do.
l just want to help you.
Maybe there are...
...extenuating circumstances in your case.
Getting sentenced to Leavenworth
for stealing...
...$500, that's extenuating.
You have to understand, l'm on your side.
What, Mr. Young?
lt was $5, not $500.
l knew you had it in you. Now, come on.
Why did you kill Rufus McCain?
You just talked. Don't do this again.
Come on, don't quit now.
Come on, you just talked!
Why did you kill McCain?
-What are you saying?
How? How? How?
Are you saying ''how''?
How. What are you, a fucking lndian?
Don't quit now. How what?