...our friend DiMaggio hits safely
in 32 straight games.
Twelve more and he will tie
Wee Willie Keeler's all-time record...
...who set the mark in 1897
for the Baltimore Orioles.
Joe Louis was the victor in what some
consider the toughest win of his career.
Here we go.
Here's some entertainment news.
Betty Grable.
Says here she's just--
How old are you?
What, Mr. Young?
How old are you?
l'm 24.
l think...
...l am too.
No, you're...
...you're 28.
Would you like me to keep reading to you?
This ought to make you
a little bit more comfortable.
The defense requests a new jury.
Having been eliminated from this process--
Three new members.
And that's it.
The defense requests a continuance
of 60 days...
...so l may confer with my client--
He doesn't need 60 days.
The facts in this case are so clear,
six minutes should do it.
My client has been almost catatonic.
-Yesterday was the first day--
-He wasn't so catatonic...
...that he couldn't walk over and slit
a guy's throat in front of 200 witnesses.