ls it your contention
that the defendant is insane?
ls that what you mean by ''catatonic''?
Approach the bench, Counselor.
ls this laying the groundwork...
...for a not-guilty by reason
of insanity plea?
l don't know yet. l haven't even spoken
to him about the case--
One week, Counselor.
Then you will either tell me
you are ready for the trial...
...or you will come in here with a request
for a competency hearing.
One week.
This court is in recess.
Mr. Young, you and me,
we've got to talk now.
Would you like a cigarette?
No, thanks.
That shit will kill you.
...kind of funny.
''That shit'll kill you.''
l'll die in that gas chamber anyway,
so that's kind of a joke.
What's this about Nazis? We at war?
No, not yet, Mr. Young.
-lt's brand new.
-Mr. Glenn told me.
-The associate warden?
He says it's brand new.
He said they're gonna try it out on me.
You only have a week.
You've got to talk to me. Okay?
Why did you kill Rufus McCain?
Why did you kill Rufus McCain?
How could you not know about baseball?
You said, ''l don't follow baseball.''
-How could you not?
-Why'd you kill him?
Over and over, it must have been
maybe a year, l don't know.
All l did was hear them in my head.
What are you talking about?
Are you talking about McCain?
l'm talking about baseball.
The great American pastime.
l went over every game
l ever heard on the radio.