You're doing all this to prove something
to a guy named Darryl, not for me.
You want to do something for me?
Let's play cards.
Go ahead and play cards.
l got a case to try.
Hold it, Jim. Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I'm Henri Young's attorney.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
I'm going to call prisoners to the stand
to testify about life on Alcatraz.
Where are the dungeons?
What is solitary time
in those dungeons like?
I want the jury to know and understand.
You tell them to get caught
robbing a bank. They'll find out.
l'm done talking.
Mr. Murphy...
...if we can get decent treatment for you,
it makes it possible for everyone.
lf we ignore cruelty in one place,
it makes it more acceptable everywhere.
l ain't gonna do shit for you.
You can't get me no good time
knocked off.
You can't get me no privileges.
You can't even get me seconds at dessert.
lf l testify for anybody...
...l testify for the DA.
He's got some juice here.
Mr. Baker, could you tell me anything
about Henri Young?
Don't know Henri Young.
Could you tell us anything
about Mr. Glenn?
Warden Glenn has always been
good to me.
Have you ever been in the dungeons?
l don't know nothing about no dungeons.
That's all, ma'am.
l gotta go now.
Fuck you.
Did Mr. Glenn tell you
not to cooperate with me?