My name's James Stamphill.
l'm Henri Young's attorney.
l can force them to let you out
so you can testify...
...in San Francisco in a court of law.
You just have to give me your name.
I promise I will do what I said for you.
James, she's okay. Just needed some air.
Can we go now?
Feeling any better?
l guess l'll make it.
-Did you get anything?
-l got three names.
Let's go.
Where did Stamphill get
the three names on this list?
l don't know.
Can you trust these cons? They're smart
enough to look after their own interests.
They told Glenn...
...James said he'd get them out of solitary
if they would testify for the defense...
-...and lie on the stand!
- That's a lie.
-He wanted to find one convict willing--
-Jesus, this is goddamn bribery.
It's prejudicing a witness.
You could get disbarred. It's gone too far.
Fire him. I don't care how you do it.
Why do you have to make it be like this?
Henri Young's my client.
lt's my job to defend him !
Not anymore.
He's been notified that Henkin
wants you off the case.
Henri will never go for it.
-He did. He's been assigned a new lawyer.
Henkin assigned me to the case.
l could take it or be fired. l had no choice.
You stabbed me in the back?
l'm not stabbing you!
l'm trying to save your job and mine!