Children soon followed.
First me, then
my sister Irene.
My earliest memory is of the
face of that gentle old man
looking at me and smiling.
And I remember my father
always working with his milpa.
Corn in the back
and beans in front.
And that's
the way it always was
in my house,
for as long as I can remember.
Your coffee's ready.
The children are wonderful.
There is no greater blessing in
all the world than children.
We're going to have another?
Maria, I knew it!
I knew it, Maria.
It's going to be a boy.
I'm going to have another son.
And this one...
is going to be a special boy.
I remember when it happened.
It was that Sunday afternoon,
That day that old Gomez crashed
his car into the river?
Yes, that was the day.
Maria, I knew it!
Because that day...
I got out of bed...
and I walked out to the porch.
I was standing there...
I looked up into the sky...