''I looked for the name Ururoa
on the atlas,
''but it wasn't to be found.''
I said not to disturb us.
It's Madame, Sir.
Yes, hello.
How are you?
I'm fine.
No, I'm just a bit...
I sent you the document.
Just sign it.
No, I can't sign it for you.
Lucie, I told you.
Of course I told you.
Call Wagner.
No, I won't call him anymore.
If you have to come, you'll come.
Me too. Goodbye.
My wife.
Jacqueline must have told you.
We've been separated
for 20 years.
Our shared business interests
allow her
to keep nagging me.
She lives in Geneva
with a charming man
whom I respect greatly,
and who knew howto watch
and listen to her.
Geneva is beautiful,
with its banks,
it's an unhurried pace.
Shall we continue?
Yes, where were we?
''...Ururoa on the atlas,
but it was not to be found.''
''The crossing on the cargo ship
''lasted 45 days.'' Period.
Jacqueline said you don't live...