But it didn't seem real anymore.
That's when I realized
how utterly unimportant I was.
At first,
business was an escape,
then it became a game.
Were you married then?
Lucie wasn't against it.
She saw me get sucked in.
Not to criticize Lucie,
but she didn't mind
the material benefits.
Mostly, I liked how it was a game,
though it could get ugly.
We really behaved like cannibals.
It had its poetry, but it doesn't
leave you a better man.
Your presence here has little effect
on the average age.
Our duo seems to fascinate them.
They're bored.
They must think...
That I'm some kind of whore.
Or rather, a gorgeous,
courageous professional.
You waited?
I couldn't find a taxi.
You're soaked.
I like the rain,
but I'm a little tipsy.
I had dinner with Arnaud.
We drank Sauternes.
You wouldn't have called