Sir, your car will be
ready in a minute.
You're lucky
the engine's
in the back.
Yeah. Right.
Ready in a minute.
So, um...
we are absolutely certain
about this, right?
Well, my period's
1 0 days late.
And there's no way
you could have had it
and just not noticed?
Sorry. Ridiculous.
That was stupid. Stupid.
Could you be a little
more positive about this,
more supportive?
I'm trying to
be positive.
Killing us in a head-on
collision is not positive.
It must have been shock.
Out of the blue,
you say you're pregnant.
It was just
a little bit unexpected
was probably the reason
for the crash.
I thought you were
using birth control.
I was.
Your car's ready now,
you don't believe me!
You think I got pregnant
behind your back.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
Do you think
I planned this?
I'm as flipped out
as you are.
I suppose
I just thought
that birth control
had a little teeny element
of control about it.
Thought it was supposed
to be foolproof.
Nothing is foolproof.
It's only 97% effective.
It says so on the box.
Yeah. Right.
97% effective.
So 3% completely
bloody ineffective.
They should put that
on the box.
Here you are.
We're off.