Uh, Vietnam, China,
the Soviet Union.
When you look at
the big picture, Bob...
We end up doing good in this world.
So let's not screw it up
with a shit-ass, third-rate burglary.
What should I tell
Ziegler to tell the press?
Tell'em what we always tell'em.
Anything but the goddamn truth.
Say the president believes it's gonna
open up the whole Bay of Pigs again.
Put me in this position...
Bay of Pigs?
Expose me like this.
Why would that threaten us?
Why don't they
Just fucking shoot me?
In the election of 1860...
Abraham Lincoln said the question
was whether this nation could exist...
...half-slave or half-free.
In the election of 1960
and with the world around us...
...the question is whether the world
will exist half-slave or half-free.
And I think,
in the final analysis...
...it depends upon what we do
here in the United States.
It's time America started moving again.
Mr. Nixon?
When it comes
to experience...
...through the years I have sat
on the National Security Council;
I have been in the cabinet; I have met
with the legislative leaders...
Relax, everybody,
I've had discussions with
35 presidents, 9 prime ministers...
...two emperors
and the Shah of Iran.
Jesus Christ. Has he told them
How many push-ups he can do yet?
Let's take
hydroelectric power.
What the hell happened to him?
He just got out of the hospital.
He hasn't taken one hour off
during this campaign, thanks to you.
When we consider
the line up of the world...
...we find there are
590 million people on our side...
800 million people
on the Communist side...
Shoulda slapped makeup on him.
It's not a beauty contest.
We'd better hope not.
And 600 million people are neutral.
What are you doing to him, Murray?
Look at him. He's not well.
He doesn't have to debate Kennedy.
The odds are 5-3 against us.
When it comes to politics...
He can win without doing this.
Senator Kennedy,
you have one minute for a rebuttal.
Castro is only the beginning of our
difficulties throughout Latin America.