...it would be an open invitation
for Mr. Khrushchev...
It's still very close.
Uh, Senator Kennedy's lead...
...is about, uh, 700, 000.
Think maybe Daley
stuffed the ballot boxes himself?
In Texas, they had
the goddamn cattle voting.
The closest race in history, Dick,
and he stole it. Son of a bitch.
He outspent us and he still cheated.
A guy who's got every thing.
I can't believe it.
We came to Congress
We were like brothers,
for Christ's sake.
It all figures. It's an obvious fraud.
We ask for a recount.
Don't be ridiculous.
Nobody has ever contested
a presidential election before.
Who's gonna do the counting?
The Democrats control Texas, Illinois.
We shift 25, 000 votes
in two states.
And how long will that take?
Six months, a year?
Meanwhile, what happens
to the country, Herb?
If I'd called his shot, I'd have won.
That's what I say.
Made me look soft.
"I feel very sorry for Nixon
"because he does not know
who he is.
A teach stop he has to decide which
Nixon he's going to be at the moment...
...which must be very exhausting. "
Jack Kennedy.
It's a disgrace.
Nixon is a shifty-eyed goddamn liar.
"If he had to stick to the truth,
he'd have very little to say.
If you vote for Nixon, then you
oughta go to hell." Harry S. Truman.
That's what killed us, Dick.
Not Cuba.
It's the personality problem. You gonna
let the Democrats get away with this?
Goes to Harvard.
His father hands him everything
on a silver platter.
All my life they've been
sticking it to me.
Not the right clothes, not
the right schools, not the right family.
And then he steals from me.
He says I have no class,
and they love him for it.
You're only 47.
If you contest this election,
you'll be finished.
You got ta swallow this one.
They stole it
fair and square.
We'll get'em next time,