Don't you want to listen to
Gov. Brown's victory speech?
Nope. Not going to listen to
any more speeches ever again.
Amen to that.
It's over, Dick.
I'll concede in the morning.
Not that.
I have always
stood by you.
I campaigned for you
when I was pregnant.
During Checkers, when Ike
wanted you out, I told you to fight.
This is different,
You've changed.
You've grown more bitter,
like you're at war with the world.
You weren't that way
I'm 50 years old now,
How many millions of miles
have I traveled?
How many millions of peoples' hands
have I shaked that I just don't like?
How many thank-you notes
have I written?
It's as if I, I don't know,
Just went to sleep a long time ago...
...and missed
the years between.
I've had enough.
What are you saying?
What are you talking about?
I want a divorce.
My God. Divorce?
What about the girls?
The girls'll grow up.
They only know you
from television anyway.
It'll ruin us,
Our family.
You're ruining us. If we stay with you,
you'll take us down with you.