...made it clear that,
to Nixon, politics was war.
He didn't have opponents,
he had enemies.
Why, she's pink, right down
to her underwear!
Nixon became one of
the leading lights...
...on the notorious House Un-American
Activities Committee...
...questioning labor leaders, Spanish Civil
War veterans, Hollywood celebrities.
If I had my way, they'd all
be sent back to Russia.
But it was the Alger Hiss case
that made Nixon a household name.
One of the architects
of the United Nations...
...intimate of F.D.R.
and Oliver Wendell Holmes...
Alger Hiss was
a State Department diplomat...
...accused by freelance journalist
Whittaker Chambers...
...of passing secret documents
to the Soviet Union.
Hiss is lying.
Hiss claimed he was being set up...
...by Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover to
discredit the new deal's policies.
I am not, and never have been,
a member of the Communist party.
The case came down
to an Underwood typewriter...
...and a roll of film
hidden in a pumpkin patch.
I asked Hiss if he'd known Chambers.
When he said no,
I knew he was lying; I knew I had him.
After two trials, Hiss was convicted
not of spying but of per jury.
To some, Nixon was a hero
and a patriot.
But to many, he was
a shameless self-promoter.
Eleanor Roosevelt
angrily condemned him.
Nixon continued to tear into Truman,
Acheson and the Democratic party...
...for losing mainland China
in 1949
...and blamed the Korean War
on a weak foreign policy.
I promise to expose and
to continue to expose...
...the people that have sold
this country down the river!
His speeches, if more subtle than those
of his Republican all Joe McCarthy...
...were just as aggressive.
The direct result of Truman's decision
is that China has gone Communist!
Mao is a monster!
Who in the State Department
is watching over American interests?
Who has given the Russians
the atomic bomb?
The Soviet Union is an example of
a slave state in the ultimate development.
Driven by demons that seemed
more personal than political...
Nixon became Eisenhower's
vice presidential candidate in 1952.