Sushi again?
Eat one now, hungry in an hour.
Let's go to work.
Let me know if we miss a spot.
For God's sake, keep calm.
What is this
Japanese basket-fuck bullshit?
It's not real, it's a bloody myth.
You mean, where the woman...
... is strapped to
a hanging bamboo basket...
...slowly lowered onto
her lover's erect penis...
...as the basket spins?
It's not a myth.
I like this girl.
Okay, okay.
Come on.
We haven't done any father-
and-son thing in years.
What are you talking about?
It's just an hour drive.
We can be up at Griffith Lake by noon.
What do I get out of it?
Fresh air, scenery, nature.
Shitloads of nature.
What am I gonna do with nature?
You need this. I know I do.
Yeah, be just like old times.
What's in the lake?
-Got any catfish?
Catfish? Sure, catfish.