Eight people are dead
because of this screwup!
You had no business choosing
an untested officer for this mission.
If you'd followed procedures,
none of this would have happened.
Because of your lack of respect
for the law...
...this department is now being
called the KGB.
-It wasn't a good time to page me.
-They were locking the gate, Zack.
Someone got hurt today, didn't they?
Someone got hurt?
Why do you say that?
You're usually late
when someone gets hurt.
Yeah, someone died.
-Did you kill them?
Partly my responsibility, though.
Like when I cleaned the paintbrush
in Seymour's milk bowl?
-You got mad at me for that.
Is the FBI mad at you?
Are you gonna lose your job?
I don't know, Eric.
I guess it depends on how well I do
over the next few days.
All right?
-Want to hear a joke?
-Yeah, sure.
What do you call a mule
that needs a shave?
A hairy ass.
I don't think so.
That's a curse word.
Bet that troublemaker told you that.
Teacher called his dad again.
Yeah? I'm surprised he has one.
Come on, Zack.
Everyone has a father...
...even the bullies.
Appears to be a 9mm, wide-tip
with a blunted casing...