Once Were Warriors

I try to make it up
to you.

Get off me, Jake.
Oh, you're a hard lady.
Hey, where do you think
you're going?

Sit down
and keep a man company.

I've got things
to think about.

Like what?
Since when
were you interested?

Well, if you can't tell
by the way
I just grabbed you,

I must be
losing my touch.

If you're not gonna take me
seriously, Jake...

Take it easy.
Talk to Jakey.

It's just...
It's just what?
you're pretty.

I want us
to visit Boogie.

Is that all?
Go together,
as a family.

You know,
make a day of it,

take up a nice
picnic lunch.

Maybe we could rent
a car for the day.

Oh, yeah. Maybe we could
fuckin' fly.

It's not impossible, Jake.
I've worked it out.
There's the money Auntie Matawai
sent me at Christmas.

If I put a bit
aside each week

from the housekeeping,
in a month,
maybe we could go.

Please, Jake?
And this whole day
means a lot to you, huh?

Book the fuckin'

Horses, babe.
Now, will you
come here?

Tell Jakey
you love him.
