That's the trouble,
Jake. I do.
What's going on?
It's Heke, sir.
He's got your
taiaha, sir.
If you want to smash
things, boy,
you start with me!
You think you're man enough
to hold a taiaha, boy?
I hate
this fucking place!
You're not supposed
to like it!
Let me go,
you black bastard!
We are the same
color, boy!
The British used to think
the bayonet
was the most lethal
of all hand-to-hand
combat weapons,
till they came across
our warriors,
who fought
with a taiaha.
You think your fist
is your weapon?
When I have
taught you,
your mind will be.
You'll carry your
taiaha inside you.
Come on.
Whoa, this is
the life, eh, kids?
Don't even have to
change gears.
Want to come and visit
your brother, son?