Your mother
was beautiful...
of the fucking tribe...
And this old
black-ass comes along
and steals her away.
And you know where
I come from, kids?
A long line of slaves.
Fucking slaves.
I'd like to see
those wankers
call Jake the Muss
that now.
Ah, this place
gives me the creeps.
Come on, kids.
Doesn't give me
the creeps.
You never met
my grandmother.
Eh, Jake?
Just want to show
our flash car to my mates.
Whoa, bro,
you know what
the penalty is
for car theft?
Just one beer, huh?
One, Jake.
Just the one.
Cross my heart.
Ah, cheer.
Cheer, bro.
How long is Dad
gonna be?
I'd get that tone
out of your voice
if I were you.
How many times have
you seen your father
like today, Grace?
that's how many,
so just give him
a chance, eh?
Now running on the track,