
Awake! Thieves! Signor!
Thieves! Look to your house,
your daughter and your bags!

Signor Brabantio!


Thieves! Look to your house, your
daughter and your bags!

Thieves! Thieves!
What is the reason
of this terrible summons?

What is the matter here?
...is all your family within?
l know you, Roderigo...
...and have charged thee
not to haunt about my doors.

ln honest plainness,
thou has heard me say...

...my daughter is not for thee.
Are your doors locked?
Why? Wherefore ask you this?
Even now, now, very now...
...an old black ram
is tupping your white ewe.

What profane wretch art thou?
l am one
that comes to tell you...

...your daughter and the Moor are
making the beast with two backs.

Thou art a villain.
You are a senator.
This thou shalt answer, Roderigo.
Ay, sir!
l will answer anything.
But l beseech you,
straight satisfy yourself:

lf she be in her chamber
or your house...

...let loose on me the justice
of the state for thus deluding you.

Strike on the tinder, ho!
Give me a taper!
Call up all my people!

This accident is not unlike my dream.
Belief of it oppresses me already.
Light, l say!
Get weapons, ho!
