
O, thou foul thief!
Where hast thou stowed my daughter?
Damned as thou art,
thou hast enchanted her...

...to run from her garden to the sooty
bosom of such a thing as thou.

Lay hold upon him.
Hold your hands...
...both you of my inclining
and the rest.

Were it my cue to fight, l should have
known it without a prompter.

Good signor...
...where will you that l go
to answer this, your charge?

To prison...
...till fit time of law and course of
direct session call thee to answer.

What if l do obey?
How may the Duke
be therewith satisfied...

...whose messengers are
here about my side to bring me to him?

'Tis true,
most worthy signor.

The Duke's in council, and your
noble self, surely, is sent for.

How? The Duke in council?
ln this time of night?

Bring him away.
Valiant Othello...
...we must straight employ you
against the general Turkish foe.

Welcome, gentle signor.
We lacked your counsel
and your help tonight.

So did l yours.
Good Your Grace, pardon me.
Neither my place,
nor aught l heard of business...

...has raised me from my bed.
My daughter!
O, my daughter!
She is abused,
stolen from me and corrupted.
