...my very noble
and approved good masters...
...that l have taken away this
old man's daughter...
...'tis most true.
True, l have married her.
The very head and front of my offending
hath this extent, no more.
Rude am l in my speech...
...and little blessed
with the soft phrase of peace.
For since these arms of mine
had seven years' pith...
...till now some nine moons wasted...
...they have used their dearest action
in the tented field.
And little of this great world
can l speak...
...more than pertains to feats
of broil and battle.
Therefore, little shall l
grace my cause...
...in speaking of myself.
Yet, by your gracious patience...
...l will a round,
unvarnished tale deliver...
...of my whole course of love:
What drugs, what charms...
...what conjuration
and what mighty magic--
--for such proceedings am l
charged withal -- l won his daughter.
A maiden never bold...
...of spirit so still and quiet
that her motion blushed at herself...
...and she, in spite of nature,
to fall in love...
...with what she feared to look on!
l do beseech you, send for the lady...
...and let her speak of me
before her father.
lf you do find me foul in her report...
...the trust, the office l do hold
of you, not only take away...
...but let your sentence even
fall upon my life.
Fetch Desdemona.
Her father loved me...
...oft invited me...
...still questioned me the story
of my life from year to year...