My heart is subdued even to
the utmost pleasure of my lord.
l saw Othello's visage in his mind...
...and to his honors
and his valiant parts...
...did l my soul
and fortunes consecrate.
So that, dear lords...
...if l be left behind, a moth of peace,
and he go to the war...
...the rites for which l love him
are bereft me.
And l, a heavy interim,
shall support by his dear absence.
Let me go with him.
Let her have your voice.
And heaven defend your good souls...
...that you think l will your serious
business scant for she is with me.
Be it as you shall privately determine.
At 9 in the morning,
here we'll meet again.
Good night to everyone.
And, noble signor...
...if virtue no delighted beauty lack...
...your son-in-law
is far more fair than black.
Look to her, Moor,
if thou hast eyes to see.
She has deceived her father
and may thee.
My life upon her faith!
Good lago, my Desdemona
must l leave to thee.
Let thy wife attend on her, and bring
them after in the best advantage.
Come, we must obey the time.