lf thou be'st valiant -- as they say
base men being in love have then...
...a nobility in their nature
more than is native to them -- list me.
The lieutenant tonight watches
on the court of guard.
First, l must tell thee this:
Desdemona is directly in love with him.
With Cassio?
Why, 'tis not possible!
Lay thy finger thus,
and let thy soul be instructed.
Mark me. Her eye must be fed.
What delight shall she have
to look on the devil?
Her delicate tenderness has
found itself abused...
...begun to heave the gorge,
disrelish and abhor the Moor.
Her nature instructs her to it,
and compels her to some second choice.
I cannot believe that.
She is full of most blessed condition.
Blessed fig's-end!
The wine she drinks is made of grapes.
If she were blessed, she would never
have loved the Moor. Blessed pudding.
Didst thou not see her paddle
with his hand?
Didst thou not mark that?
-But that was but courtesy.
-Lechery, by this hand...
...an index and obscure prologue...
...to the history
of lust and foul thoughts.
They met so near with their lips
that their breaths embraced together.
Villainous thoughts, Roderigo!
When these mutualities
so marshal the way...
...hard at hand comes the master...
...and main exercise,
the incorporate conclusion.