Then take thine auld cloak...
...about thee
Let's have no more of this.
Let's to our affairs.
God forgive us our sins.
Gentlemen, let's look to our business.
Do not think, gentlemen,
that l am drunk.
This is my ensign.
This is my right hand.
This is my left hand.
l am not drunk now.
l can stand well enough...
...and l speak well enough.
-Excellent well.
-Why, very well.
You must not think then
that l am drunk.
To the platform, masters.
Come, let's set the watch.
You see this fellow that is gone before?
He is a soldier fit to stand by Caesar
and give direction.
And do but see his vice.
But is he often thus?
'Tis evermore the prologue
to his sleep.
-What's the matter, lieutenant?
-A knave teach me my duty!
l'll beat the knave
into a twiggen bottle.
-Beat me!
-Dost thou prate, rogue?
Nay, good lieutenant.
l pray you, sir, hold your hand.
Let me go, sir, or l'll knock you
over the mazzard.
Come, come...
...you're drunk.
Nay, good lieutenant.
God's will, gentlemen!