...he that you hurt
is of great fame in Cyprus...
...and great affinity.
l love thee...
...but nevermore be officer of mine.
What is the matter, dear?
Look, if my gentle love
be not raised up.
l'll make thee an example.
All's well now, sweeting.
Come away to bed.
Look with care about the town...
...and silence those
whom this vile brawl distracted.
Come, sweet Desdemona.
-Are you hurt, lieutenant?
-Ay, past all surgery.
-Marry, God forbid!
-l have lost my reputation.
l have lost the immortal
part of myself...
...and what remains is bestial.
My reputation, lago!
My reputation!
l thought you'd received some wound.
There's more offense in that
than in reputation.
What, man! There are ways
to recover the general again.
You are but now cast in his mood...
...a punishment more in policy
than in malice.
Sue to him again, and he's yours.
l would rather sue to be despised...
...than to deceive
so good a commander...
...with so slight, so drunken and
so indiscreet an officer.
He that you followed...
-...what had he done to you?
-l know not.
ls it possible?
Wine is a good
familiar creature, if it be well used.
Exclaim no more against it.