...she shall undo her credit
with the Moor.
So will l turn her virtue...
...into pitch.
And out of her own goodness...
...make the net...
...that shall...
...enmesh them all.
How now, Roderigo?
l do follow here in the chase...
...not like a hound that hunts...
...but one that fills up the cry.
My money is almost spent.
l have been tonight
exceedingly well-cudgeled.
And l think the issue will be...
...that l shall have
so much experience for my pains.
And so...
...with no money at all and
a little more wit...
...return again to Venice.
How poor are they
that have not patience.
What wound did ever heal
but by degrees?
Thou knowest we work by wit...
...and not by witchcraft.
And wit depends on dilatory time.
Does it not go well?
Cassio hath beaten thee.
And thou, by that small hurt...
...hath cashiered Cassio.
Content thyself awhile.