-Dost thou say so?
-She did deceive her father.
And when she seemed to fear your looks,
she loved them most.
-And so she did.
-Why, go to then.
But l am much to blame.
l humbly do beseech you of your pardon
for too much loving you.
l am bound to thee forever.
l see this hath dashed your spirits.
-Not a jot, not a jot.
-ln faith, l fear it has.
l hope you consider what is spoke
comes from my love.
But l do see you're moved.
l am to pray you not to strain
my speech to grosser issues...
...nor to larger reach than
to suspicion.
Should you do so, my lord...
...my speech should fall into vile
success as my thoughts aimed not at.
Cassio's my worthy friend--
My lord, you're moved.
No, not much moved!
l do not think but Desdemona's honest.
Long live she so.
And long live you to think so.
And yet, how nature erring from itself--
Ay, there's the point!
As to be bold not to enter
into a marriage...
...of her own clime, complexion
and degree...
...whereto we see in all things
nature tends--
One may smell in such
a will most rank...
...foul disproportion,
thoughts unnatural.
But pardon me. l do not in position
distinctly speak of her.
Though l may fear, her will,
recoiling to her better judgment...
...may fall to match you with
her country forms...
...and happily repent.
Farewell, farewell.
lf more thou dost perceive,
let me know more.