
Let's go!
This plasma goes in the right rudder
of the right wing.

-Where is Jaffe?
-His wife is in labor. He's on leave.

-Who'll read the tissue samples?
-You don't trust me?

-Come on!

You want a hotshot scope-jockey,
fine, but, frankly, I'm hurt.

-Who cut his orders?
-The Old Man himself.

He hasn't got up this early in years.
-I'll tell him you said so.
-I'll deny it.

Good to see you.
Thought if I showed my star
it might speed things up for you.

Is it working?
First file on your new man.
Plus telex traffic to date,
and satellite photos from the area.

Get in, get out.
I hate having you here,
making my life miserable...

...but don't want to lose you to some bug.
-One question.
-Go on.

What have I ever done
to make your life miserable?

You got up today.
Thank you, Billy.
Major Salt.
May I say it's an honor to work with you.
West Point, Johns Hopkins. How many
hours did you log in helicopter school?


-Yes, sir.
-Good luck.

You've never been in the field?
No, sir.
But I'm fully trained and highly motivated.

I'm talking about landing in a hot zone.
It's unique.

Have you seen the effects
of hemorrhagic fever?

No, sir.
Allow me.

At first the patient has flu-like symptoms.
In 2 or 3 days pink lesions appear
on his body, along with pustules...

...which erupt with the blood and pus.
A milky substance begins to--

These lesions become full-blown.
They feel like mush.
