He's losing it!
No! Just hang on!
I can't breathe!
Keep your helmet--
-Take it off!
-Keep it on!
-Keep it on!
Don't let him expose himself!
Goddamn it! isolate him! isolate him!
Don't worry.
It's not airborne.
Sam Daniels, USAMRlID.
Benjamin lwabi.
We've been expecting you.
We came as soon as possible.
Not soon enough.
The village is dead.
Do you know the incubation period?
But it kills in 2 or 3 days.
The mortality rate is 100%.
Could an infected person
have gotten out of the village?
If he did,
he'd be dead or dying in the jungle.
It's 50 miles to the next village.
First case? Patient zero?
A young man called Murazo.
Worked with a white man
to build a road into Kinshasa.
-When he returned he was sick.
-I see.
And he drank from this well.
From there, it spreads to the entire village.