
15 cases.
There's another outbreak?
-Besides the one in Boston?
-Why're you reluctant?

CDC and USAMRlID are the only agencies
able to deal with a virus like this.

That's why I want to leave tonight.
Sorry, can't do that.
Why in God's name would you
keep me out of there?

It's a civilian matter. CDC is on it.
Let them do their job.

We don't have a charter.
Fuck the charter. People are dying.
It's about you being a doctor!

It's about that sacred oath we took!
We're friends.
Yes, we're friends, but I'm also your boss!
I run this outfit!
You do what the hell I say!

I'm your boss. I have my boss. Clear?
Get your boss on the phone.
Tell him to put me on a plane before
you two kill a lot of people.

I suggest you shut up now.
Don't forget who you're talking to.

I don't know who I'm talking to anymore.
Am I talking to USAMRlID,
the Pentagon, the CIA, McClintock?

-Tell me who I'm talking to.
-This conversation is over.

You're going to New Mexico.
I suggest you get packed or whatever you
have to do, and I suggest you do it now!

Who screwed up? Why wasn't
my pilot given the new orders?

Ford called me 0200, told me to get
my ass to Cedar Creek, California.

You're going to Albuquerque.
I'm not going to Albuquerque!
I'm going to Cedar Creek!

Get Ford on the phone
and get him to confirm.

No, give me that phone.
-No, I better confirm.
-You know what time it is?

That's right. You redirect on my orders.
Call and change my flight.

Put your finger on the phone!
My stripes.
It'll be your ass if you don't call.
Finger the phone. Finger it.
