We should go back
and break his fucking legs.
How much money you think is
in those bags every day, huh?
How many millions
you think is inside?
I don't know.
Maybe we should ask Betty.
Aw, come... no, no. Forget it.
Betty gets fired,
the place gets hit...
I'm an instant suspect.
Not the place, the truck.
The truck?
Yeah. Watch this car.
Watch this car. Watch this car.
Why didn't we think about this
when it was happening?
Speak for yourselves.
Because we're not
cut out for this.
Some people are.
For instance, criminals.
The guy was dying.
We were not prepared.
We are now a little bit more
familiar with the triangle.
- It's a Mickey Mouse operation.
- That's my point.
The actual pickup
is casual and sloppy.
We've witnessed it, right?
Sid, we cannot rob
an armored truck.
Jerry, how you doing?
Hi, Barney. What's happening?
Renovation around the corner.
How about you?
Are you, uh, full?
I'll give you a call.
Listen, the beauty of
this whole fucking thing is...
there's no middleman.
It's instant cash in bags.
What's wrong with you, Russ?
It's armed robbery!
Lower your fuckin' voice,
all right, idiot?
Fuckin' idiot.
It's not necessarily
armed robbery.
What do you mean,
"not necessarily"?
They carry guns!
Yeah, but it's only
armed robbery if we carry guns.
So what are are we gonna
do it with... mirrors?
- Fake weapons. Toys.
- I don't believe this.
Wait a second.
It's done all the time.
Somebody points a gun in your
face, what are you going to do?
Are you going to ask to see
the bullets? Of course not.
You're gonna assume
that's it's a deadly weapon.
All right? The thief
gets the benefit of the doubt.
It's kind of a rule of thumb.
The majority of handguns
in this country fire caps.