- Thank you, driver.
- Ohh, man.
What's with the dogs?
They're seeing eye dogs, sir.
I heard about that bullshit.
Well, the little one's
in training.
Get these animals
the fuck off my bus.
But they're seeing eye dogs.
Get the hell off the bus
with this shit!
I tried.
Come on.
There'll be another bus.
Want some?
Thanks a lot.
The buses
are running late today.
Yeah, what else is new?
Uh, thanks a lot.
I really appreciate this.
This is nice of you.
Do you want to come inside
and warm up?
Well, you know, the dogs...
No, it's all right.
My boss ain't here. Come on.
You're soaked, huh?
Were you blind on the bus?
Yeah. Sometimes it works.
It's hard to do. I've tried
being blind a couple of times.
Why is that?
For the experience.
- What's your name?
- Sid.
I'm Enid.
It's a nice place.
It's so secondhand.
Just make yourself comfortable.
Do you mind
if I tie the dogs up?
No, no. Go ahead.